[Mailman-Developers] Re: [Mailman-checkins] mailman3 README.txt, NONE, 3.0

Harald Meland harald.meland at usit.uio.no
Tue Sep 9 03:21:49 EDT 2003

[Richard Barrett]

> I would assume that Barry is working on the "it ain't broke so don't
> fix it" principle

Well, while I agree with that principle, I'm reading
mailman3/README.txt to be yet another phrasing of the conclusion that
CVS *is* broken -- at the very least for projects where renames are

> and he is sufficiently busy that getting real work done is enough to
> be going on with (like outstanding bug fixes checked and applied to
> the CVS so that 2.1.3 can be generated and shipped).

Sure.  That means someone else should help out with researching how
the "not real work" stuff could be done, in order to make the
(necessary, if a rename-supporting VC is needed) learning curve less
steep.  As a bonus, such usage sketches might reveal which aspects of
VC is important to the project -- by letting the project contributors
comment on them.

If all contributors are indeed happy with CVS, there is no reason to
change, and I'll be happy to spend my "Mailman time" (of which there
hasn't been a great deal for some years, but hopefully will be more
shortly) on other issues.


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