> 1) I notice that when someone sends an HTML message (via Netscape, for
> instance) that the resulting message contains the list header, followed
> by the MIME attachment, and the list footer. Under Netscape, at least,
> it only displays the MIME attachment. Is that a Netscape problem or a
> problem in Mailman with handling HTML messages?
It's kind of a combination of both. Chances are that your document
has a header like this:
Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=my-boundary
Then your message body looks like this:
Hi there! here's a message
Content-type: image/gif
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="image.gif"
Content-description: image.gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Hi there! here's a message
This tells your reader that anything encapsulated within the
"my-boundary" tokens is a MIME attachment. Anything outside of
that is ignored (unless you have a non-MIME-aware reader.
A "solution" is to wrap the header and footer with boundaries
as well:
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Hi there! here's a message
The termination string "--my-boundary--" should also be pulled out of
its current location and added to the end of the message.
But I don't know if it's right for mailman to do this... It's kind
of icky. At any rate, I doubt that anyone will do it until 1.0 is
taken out of beta.
> 2) Is there a way where I can automatically restrict subscribers to a
> subnet or domain name? I want to use the list internally to my company,
> but there's nothing to keep an outside person from subscribing, unless
> someone moderates every subscribe request.
Not currently, unless you wrap the list aliases with something like
procmail and to some pre-mailman filtering.
> 3) Is there a way to restrict attachments? I did see something about
> this on the archives, but there wasn't any answer given. I guess not,
> then, eh?
The above URL can be used to catch attachments, or you can also add
certain headers or header regexes to bounce_matching_headers (under
the privacy menu). Just restrict
content-type: .*(multipart/|/enriched|coded|html)
This won't actually restrict them, but will hold them for listowner
approval. Pre-mailman filtering is the only solution for true
> 4) I'd like for a user to be able to disable the automatic monthly
> password reminder. Is there some way to do that?
Not currently. But I admit that this would be a nice feature; I get half
of my list memberships that hate it, and half love it. :)
What would be *really* slick is for mailman to send out all password
reminders in a single message. It's really annoying when you're on 25
lists and get a reminder for each one every month. If mailman could
send one message in the form
listname1: password1
listname2: password2
listname3: password3
that would be wonderful.