<TITLE>Serious help and explanation requested</TITLE>
<TT>Can anyone please explain why, after joining the Mailman Users mailing list, I have been bombarded by dozens of emails that appear to orinate form mailing lists at portal2.com and outblaze.com and are addressed to <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>sardy5@graffiti.net</U></FONT> (not me !! My email appears in "Envelope to").<BR>
I also received over 4,000 (yes 4,000) bounced emails telling me that my (not actually my but <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>sardy5@graffiti.net</U></FONT>) subscription to some mailing list had failed.<BR>
This has wasted an entire day for me.<BR>
If you know what link there is between Mailman and portal2.com or outblaze.com please let me know. How could the emails get mixed up like this?<BR>
I have now received mail from the Mailman Developers list addressed to <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>sardy5@graffiti.net</U> </FONT>which is why I am posting here. My emails to outblaze.com have gone unanswered and now I am desperate to stop this unwanted bombardment of mail.<BR>
Is someone collecting email addresses from the Mailman mailing lists ???<BR>
Any help greatly appreciated, I only want to receive my own mail, and getting dozens and dozens of misdirected mail on my sad English 56k connection is killing my system.<BR>
Simon Troup<BR>