Thanks for the information. Let me ask one more question along this track of new things mailman 2.1.x included that was done differently than 2.0.x. Under the membership management section, up to some number of e-mail addresses, mailman splits the e-mail addresses into alphabetized sections. One of our list admins would like to have mailman show all of the e-mail addresses in a single window, if possible, or into multiple windows of 50 or 100 e-mail address chunks. The list admin complains that he has to click on the first letter of each section of e-mail addresses to change a setting. Is there a way to do this with mailman 2.1.6b4 with a option in the file or is this something I would have to submit to the mailman developers as a new feature? Regards, Darren Old Dominion University On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 18:38, Mark Sapiro wrote: > Darren G Pifer > >I believe she is > >saying is that if she is a member of her own list, she still has to > >approve the message before it goes out. If she was not a member of list > >and was in the non-member list of addresses for her list, then the mail > >would go out without approval. I don't know this affects MM processing, > >if the member address member name has the mod flag set, and she sends > >to her list, will it still be held for approval? > > > Yes, and that appears to be the issue here. If she is a moderated > member, her posts are supposed to be held for approval (or otherwise > disposed of according to member_moderation_action). That's what > moderated means. It makes no difference whether she is a list owner or > moderator herself. > > If she is moderated, the only way she can post without the post being > held is to include an > > Approved: > > line in her post either as a header or as an initial body line. If > included in the body, it is best to make it the first line and follow > it with a blank line as at least some Mailman versions will remove the > line following when removing the Approved: line from the post. > > Also, she is correct that in Mailman 2.1.x there is no list per se of > members who are allowed to post without moderation. You have to turn > off moderation individually for those members who you want to post > without moderation. > > It would be simple for someone who knows Mailman and Python to create a > withlist script that would turn off moderation for a list of members, > but as far as I know there isn't one currently available. > > In another post in this thread Darren wrote: > > >On Tue, 2005-09-06 at 10:29, Brad Knowles wrote: > > > >> > The newest problem is: Because Classroom is a shared email account, it > >> > shows the "real sender" - who is a member of the list with a check-mark > >> > in the MOD box, so it holds the email and waits for administrator > >> > approval. > >> > >> Make sure that your MUA properly uses the desired sender address > >> as both the envelope sender and in the header "From:" and "Sender:" > >> fields. > >> > >> Or, go into your file and change what fields you look > >> at for determining list membership. If you don't have explicit > >> settings for this, see the examples from, then copy them > >> over to and change as necessary for your installation. > > > >These are settings for envelope sender from which is looking > >like it is doing the right thing. > > > The setting in is 'USE_ENVELOPE_SENDER = No' which says use > the headers as specified in SENDER_HEADERS. > > > > > >How can we confirm that the MUA is doing the right thing? Would this be > >one of the mailers sendmail would be using, like mlocal? > > The MUA is the 'user agent' (also called e-mail client) that the user > uses to compose and send the mail. This is normally what sets fields > such as From: and envelope sender in a mail message. If users want to > post using the "classroom" address, they may need to set up a separate > 'account' in their MUA to post from. You can verify what is being done > by having them send to you and examining the full headers of the > message you receive. Note that there should be a Return-Path: header > indicating the envelope sender. > > But note, It will be only a very short time before students figure out > how to post from 'classroom'. That's why this method is not > recommended as a secure posting method on a one-way or few-to-many > type of list. The secure way to do this is by moderating everyone and > giving authorized posters the list password so they can post with an > Approved: header. See > > > -- > Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers, > San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan > > > >