Hi,<br><br>My host provider's hosting software changes my data & underlay folders permission to my host user ( not apache user )... <br>Is it just enough to tell the provider to change just owner of "data" & "underlay" folders to apache user ? or there are other folders that their permissions should be changed ?
<br>Is there any other solution ? I don't wanna tell him to chown my "data" & "underlay" folders after every update...<br clear="all"><br>Thanks<br>-- <br>********************************************************
<br>Yours Sincerely, Mehdi Hassanpour<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------<br>/* Of one Essence is the human race,<br>Thusly has Creation put the Base;<br>One Limb impacted is sufficient,
<br>For all Others to feel the Mace.<br> ~Saadi (persian poet) -1258 */<br>----------------------------------------------------------------------<br><a href="http://ImPersian.com">http://ImPersian.com
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