Hi all,<br> First off, moin moin is the best wiki I've ever used, and I have used a lot! I have moin moin working in a shared hosting environment with the following.<br><br>www/wiki/ (html docs)<br>www/cgi-bin/moin.cgi<br>
moin-1_5_4/share/wiki<br><br>I can get to my site by using "<a href="http://wiki.foo.com/cgi-bin/moin.cgi">wiki.foo.com/cgi-bin/moin.cgi</a>" and everything is served correctly.<br><br>I want to use Alias and ScriptAlias to point the cgi alias as the root "/", and "/wiki/" to the html docs in moin-1_5_4. I only have access to the .htaccess file, can anyone sugest a way to do this?