hi there,<br>I'm a recent user of moinmoin (<a href="http://wiki.getdropbox.com">http://wiki.getdropbox.com</a>) and am having a strange problem. there seems to be a request that results in the process jumping to 100% CPU for a solid 1-2 minutes. I've tried to reproduce by attempting to generate time consuming requests with no luck. <br>
<br>so I was wondering if there's an easy way to see what requests are in progress before I waste too much time digging into the code :-). relatedly, are there are any known CPU burning bugs in moinmoin 1.5.8 that I should know about (this may be more likely as the wiki has little content at the moment, we're certainly not IO bound, and I can't imagine any request needing more than 100ms to complete). <br>
<br>thanks in advance!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Arash Ferdowsi<br>CTO, Dropbox<br>913.707.5875 (m)<br>