# This is example logic for Python code that depends upon an external executable
# file. If the executable is found on the system path then no problem.
# Otherwise, this script attempts to execute the executable in the same
# directory where the script is located.
# Unfortunately, this logic fails because os.system() fails when both the
# executable and the output files are both quoted. Note that the command lines
# that this code constructs work just fine at the command prompt. They fail in
# os.system().

import os.path
import sys

strCmdName = "ListMetadata"  # name of our executable file
strOutName = "20071129Metadata.txt"  # name of output file

# Command line is constructed with both file names quoted for maximum generality.
strCmdLine = '"%s" > "%s"' % (strCmdName, strOutName)
print "strCmdLine=[%s]" % strCmdLine

nRtn = os.system(strCmdLine)

# if os.system() fails (which it does) ...
if (nRtn != 0):
   print 'Could not find "%s" on path, looking in script directory' % strCmdName

   # Create a new command line with a full executable file specification in our script directory.
   strCmdLine = '"%s" > "%s"' % (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), strCmdName), strOutName)
   print "strCmdLine=[%s]" % strCmdLine

   nRtn = os.system(strCmdLine)

   if (nRtn != 0):
      raise Exception("Could not locate command")