<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>I'm new to numpy, and I'm a stuck on my first real project with it.<br><br>I am trying to take the rfft of a numpy array, like this:<br>>>> my_rfft = numpy.fft.rfft(my_numpy_array)<br>
<br>and replace the amplitudes that can be obtained with:<br><br>>>> my_amplitudes = numpy.abs(my_rfft)<br><br>with amplitudes from an arbitrary numpy array's rFFT, which is to then be converted back using numpy.fft.irfft . Alternately, some future plans will involve having to modify individual array element amplitudes directly based on other parameters. I would think that modifying and re-synthesizing signals using FFT is a fairly common use-case, but my attempts at Googling example code have been fruitless.<br>
<br>I'm not sure if my rudimentary knowledge of FFT is failing me, or if I'm just not understanding how numpy represents and exposes the data, but I would really appreciate any help I can get :)<br><br>/carl/<br></div>