<DIV style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif; font-size:10pt;">User Name - johnlamba1104<BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>My Name is John Lamba and I am a sql developer. I consults,
writes, speaks, teaches & blogs about business intelligence and
reporting solutions.I works with companies around the world to model
data, visualize and deliver critical information to make informed
business decisions. I am a Director of the Oregon SQL PASS chapter
& user group, the author and lead author of Professional SQL Server
2016 Reporting Services and 14 other titles from Wrox, Packt &
Microsoft Press. I holds several certifications including MCSE for the
Data Platform and BI.<BR><BR>Please provide me access to edit permission in this wiki My user name is given blow for this wiki.<BR>User Name - johnlamba1104<BR><BR><TABLE width="187" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><COLGROUP></COLGROUP><TBODY><TR>
<TD style="height:15.0pt;width:140pt" height="20" width="187"><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV>