[pypy-commit] benchmarks default: add a btree benchmark with similar problems as skip-list (a bit better though)

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Apr 9 16:37:02 CEST 2014

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Changeset: r248:a7f0f6c6e15e
Date: 2014-04-09 16:37 +0200

Log:	add a btree benchmark with similar problems as skip-list (a bit
	better though)

diff --git a/multithread/btree/btree.py b/multithread/btree/btree.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multithread/btree/btree.py
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+# https://github.com/MartinThoma/algorithms/tree/master/datastructures
+from common.abstract_threading import atomic, Future
+import time, threading
+import random
+thread_local = threading.local()
+import bisect
+class _BNode(object):
+    __slots__ = ["tree", "contents", "children"]
+    def __init__(self, tree, contents=None, children=None):
+        self.tree = tree
+        self.contents = contents or []
+        self.children = children or []
+        if self.children:
+            assert len(self.contents) + 1 == len(self.children), \
+                    "one more child than data item required"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        name = getattr(self, "children", 0) and "Branch" or "Leaf"
+        return "<%s %s>" % (name, ", ".join(map(str, self.contents)))
+    def lateral(self, parent, parent_index, dest, dest_index):
+        if parent_index > dest_index:
+            dest.contents.append(parent.contents[dest_index])
+            parent.contents[dest_index] = self.contents.pop(0)
+            if self.children:
+                dest.children.append(self.children.pop(0))
+        else:
+            dest.contents.insert(0, parent.contents[parent_index])
+            parent.contents[parent_index] = self.contents.pop()
+            if self.children:
+                dest.children.insert(0, self.children.pop())
+    def shrink(self, ancestors):
+        parent = None
+        if ancestors:
+            parent, parent_index = ancestors.pop()
+            # try to lend to the left neighboring sibling
+            if parent_index:
+                left_sib = parent.children[parent_index - 1]
+                if len(left_sib.contents) < self.tree.order:
+                    self.lateral(
+                            parent, parent_index, left_sib, parent_index - 1)
+                    return
+            # try the right neighbor
+            if parent_index + 1 < len(parent.children):
+                right_sib = parent.children[parent_index + 1]
+                if len(right_sib.contents) < self.tree.order:
+                    self.lateral(
+                            parent, parent_index, right_sib, parent_index + 1)
+                    return
+        sibling, push = self.split()
+        if not parent:
+            parent, parent_index = self.tree.BRANCH(
+                    self.tree, children=[self]), 0
+            self.tree._root = parent
+        # pass the median up to the parent
+        parent.contents.insert(parent_index, push)
+        parent.children.insert(parent_index + 1, sibling)
+        if len(parent.contents) > parent.tree.order:
+            parent.shrink(ancestors)
+    def grow(self, ancestors):
+        parent, parent_index = ancestors.pop()
+        minimum = self.tree.order // 2
+        left_sib = right_sib = None
+        # try to borrow from the right sibling
+        if parent_index + 1 < len(parent.children):
+            right_sib = parent.children[parent_index + 1]
+            if len(right_sib.contents) > minimum:
+                right_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index + 1, self, parent_index)
+                return
+        # try to borrow from the left sibling
+        if parent_index:
+            left_sib = parent.children[parent_index - 1]
+            if len(left_sib.contents) > minimum:
+                left_sib.lateral(parent, parent_index - 1, self, parent_index)
+                return
+        # consolidate with a sibling - try left first
+        if left_sib:
+            left_sib.contents.append(parent.contents[parent_index - 1])
+            left_sib.contents.extend(self.contents)
+            if self.children:
+                left_sib.children.extend(self.children)
+            parent.contents.pop(parent_index - 1)
+            parent.children.pop(parent_index)
+        else:
+            self.contents.append(parent.contents[parent_index])
+            self.contents.extend(right_sib.contents)
+            if self.children:
+                self.children.extend(right_sib.children)
+            parent.contents.pop(parent_index)
+            parent.children.pop(parent_index + 1)
+        if len(parent.contents) < minimum:
+            if ancestors:
+                # parent is not the root
+                parent.grow(ancestors)
+            elif not parent.contents:
+                # parent is root, and its now empty
+                self.tree._root = left_sib or self
+    def split(self):
+        center = len(self.contents) // 2
+        median = self.contents[center]
+        sibling = type(self)(
+                self.tree,
+                self.contents[center + 1:],
+                self.children[center + 1:])
+        self.contents = self.contents[:center]
+        self.children = self.children[:center + 1]
+        return sibling, median
+    def insert(self, index, item, ancestors):
+        self.contents.insert(index, item)
+        if len(self.contents) > self.tree.order:
+            self.shrink(ancestors)
+    def remove(self, index, ancestors):
+        minimum = self.tree.order // 2
+        if self.children:
+            # try promoting from the right subtree first,
+            # but only if it won't have to resize
+            additional_ancestors = [(self, index + 1)]
+            descendent = self.children[index + 1]
+            while descendent.children:
+                additional_ancestors.append((descendent, 0))
+                descendent = descendent.children[0]
+            if len(descendent.contents) > minimum:
+                ancestors.extend(additional_ancestors)
+                self.contents[index] = descendent.contents[0]
+                descendent.remove(0, ancestors)
+                return
+            # fall back to the left child
+            additional_ancestors = [(self, index)]
+            descendent = self.children[index]
+            while descendent.children:
+                additional_ancestors.append(
+                        (descendent, len(descendent.children) - 1))
+                descendent = descendent.children[-1]
+            ancestors.extend(additional_ancestors)
+            self.contents[index] = descendent.contents[-1]
+            descendent.remove(len(descendent.children) - 1, ancestors)
+        else:
+            self.contents.pop(index)
+            if len(self.contents) < minimum and ancestors:
+                self.grow(ancestors)
+class BTree(object):
+    BRANCH = LEAF = _BNode
+    def __init__(self, order):
+        self.order = order
+        self._root = self._bottom = self.LEAF(self)
+    def _path_to(self, item):
+        current = self._root
+        ancestry = []
+        while getattr(current, "children", None):
+            index = bisect.bisect_left(current.contents, item)
+            ancestry.append((current, index))
+            if index < len(current.contents) \
+                    and current.contents[index] == item:
+                return ancestry
+            current = current.children[index]
+        index = bisect.bisect_left(current.contents, item)
+        ancestry.append((current, index))
+        present = index < len(current.contents)
+        present = present and current.contents[index] == item
+        return ancestry
+    def _present(self, item, ancestors):
+        last, index = ancestors[-1]
+        return index < len(last.contents) and last.contents[index] == item
+    def insert(self, item):
+        ancestors = self._path_to(item)
+        node, index = ancestors[-1]
+        while getattr(node, "children", None):
+            node = node.children[index]
+            index = bisect.bisect_left(node.contents, item)
+            ancestors.append((node, index))
+        node, index = ancestors.pop()
+        node.insert(index, item, ancestors)
+    def remove(self, item):
+        ancestors = self._path_to(item)
+        if self._present(item, ancestors):
+            node, index = ancestors.pop()
+            node.remove(index, ancestors)
+        # else:
+        #     raise ValueError("%r not in %s" % (item, self.__class__.__name__))
+    def __contains__(self, item):
+        return self._present(item, self._path_to(item))
+    def __iter__(self):
+        def _recurse(node):
+            if node.children:
+                for child, item in zip(node.children, node.contents):
+                    for child_item in _recurse(child):
+                        yield child_item
+                    yield item
+                for child_item in _recurse(node.children[-1]):
+                    yield child_item
+            else:
+                for item in node.contents:
+                    yield item
+        for item in _recurse(self._root):
+            yield item
+    def __repr__(self):
+        def recurse(node, accum, depth):
+            accum.append(("  " * depth) + repr(node))
+            for node in getattr(node, "children", []):
+                recurse(node, accum, depth + 1)
+        accum = []
+        recurse(self._root, accum, 0)
+        return "\n".join(accum)
+    @classmethod
+    def bulkload(cls, items, order):
+        tree = object.__new__(cls)
+        tree.order = order
+        leaves = tree._build_bulkloaded_leaves(items)
+        tree._build_bulkloaded_branches(leaves)
+        return tree
+    def _build_bulkloaded_leaves(self, items):
+        minimum = self.order // 2
+        leaves, seps = [[]], []
+        for item in items:
+            if len(leaves[-1]) < self.order:
+                leaves[-1].append(item)
+            else:
+                seps.append(item)
+                leaves.append([])
+        if len(leaves[-1]) < minimum and seps:
+            last_two = leaves[-2] + [seps.pop()] + leaves[-1]
+            leaves[-2] = last_two[:minimum]
+            leaves[-1] = last_two[minimum + 1:]
+            seps.append(last_two[minimum])
+        return [self.LEAF(self, contents=node) for node in leaves], seps
+    def _build_bulkloaded_branches(self, (leaves, seps)):
+        minimum = self.order // 2
+        levels = [leaves]
+        while len(seps) > self.order + 1:
+            items, nodes, seps = seps, [[]], []
+            for item in items:
+                if len(nodes[-1]) < self.order:
+                    nodes[-1].append(item)
+                else:
+                    seps.append(item)
+                    nodes.append([])
+            if len(nodes[-1]) < minimum and seps:
+                last_two = nodes[-2] + [seps.pop()] + nodes[-1]
+                nodes[-2] = last_two[:minimum]
+                nodes[-1] = last_two[minimum + 1:]
+                seps.append(last_two[minimum])
+            offset = 0
+            for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
+                children = levels[-1][offset:offset + len(node) + 1]
+                nodes[i] = self.BRANCH(self, contents=node, children=children)
+                offset += len(node) + 1
+            levels.append(nodes)
+        self._root = self.BRANCH(self, contents=seps, children=levels[-1])
+OPS = [BTree.__contains__] * 98 + [BTree.insert, BTree.remove]
+def task(id, tree, ops):
+    print "start task with %s ops" % ops
+    r = random.Random()
+    r.seed(id)
+    thread_local.rnd = r
+    for _ in xrange(ops):
+        op = r.choice(OPS)
+        elem = r.randint(1, 10000)
+        with atomic:
+            op(tree, elem)
+    print "task ended"
+def chunks(l, n):
+    """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. """
+    for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
+        yield l[i:i+n]
+def run(threads=2, operations=2000000):
+    threads = int(threads)
+    operations = int(operations)
+    thread_local.rnd = random
+    tree = BTree(20)
+    for _ in xrange(1000):
+        tree.insert(random.randint(1, 1000))
+    c_len = operations // threads
+    fs = []
+    for i in xrange(threads):
+        fs.append(Future(task, i, tree, c_len))
+    for f in fs:
+        f()
+    # print "tree:"
+    # print tree
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run()

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