[Python-3000] Pleaswe help with the countdown to zero failing tests in the struni branch!

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Tue Aug 7 18:46:50 CEST 2007

    Guido> Odd. It passes for me. What platform? What locale? Have you tried
    Guido> svn up and rebuilding? Do you have any local changes (svn st)?

I am completely up-to-date:

    >>> sys.subversion
    ('CPython', 'branches/py3k-struni', '56800')

Running on Mac OS X (G4 Powerbook), no local modifications.  Configured like

    ./configure --prefix=/Users/skip/local LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include --with-pydebug


    >>> locale.getdefaultlocale()
    (None, 'mac-roman')

Is there some environment variable I can set to run in a different locale?

    Guido> Note that in s\x00, the s prefix is produced by the repr() of a
    Guido> str8 object; this may be enough of a hint to track it
    Guido> down. Perhaps theres a call to PyString_From... that got missed
    Guido> by the conversion and only matters for certain locales?

I don't see any PyString_From... calls left in Modules/_csv.c.  Should I be
looking elsewhere?


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