[Python-3000] AtheOS?

skip at pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Fri Aug 17 22:17:19 CEST 2007

    Brett> On 8/17/07, skip at pobox.com <skip at pobox.com> wrote:
    >> I just got rid of BeOS and RiscOS.

    Brett> Just so you know, Skip, BeOS still has a maintainer on the 2.x
    Brett> branch.  Whether we want to continue support past 2.x is another
    Brett> question (as Guido says in another email, it's a hassle and so we
    Brett> should try to minimize the OS support to those that follow
    Brett> convention).

I was going by the list on the wiki.  BeOS was on that list.  I removed it
in a single checkin so if it's decided in the near future to put it back
that should be easy to do.

    >> I'm about to launch into Irix and Tru64,
    >> the other two listed on
    >> http://wiki.python.org/moin/Py3kDeprecated
    >> I wonder, should AtheOS support be removed as well?  According to
    >> Wikipedia it's no longer being developed, having been superceded by
    >> something called Syllable.  According to the Syllable Wikipedia page,
    >> it supports Python.

    Brett> AtheOS has been slated for removal after 2.6 already, so you
    Brett> should be able to get rid of it.  I couldn't get a hold of a
    Brett> maintainer for it.

I'm curious about this Syllable thing.  It is a fork of AtheOS, appears
to be currently maintained, and advertises that Python is supported.  I
posted a note to a discussion forum asking whether Syllable relies on the
AtheOS bits:


and got a reply back saying that yes, they do use the AtheOS stuff.  I will
hold off on removing the AtheOS bits until we clear up things with the
Syllable folks.


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