[Python-3000] Removing simple slicing

Thomas Wouters thomas at python.org
Fri Aug 24 19:47:42 CEST 2007

On 8/24/07, Robert Brewer <fumanchu at aminus.org> wrote:
>  Thomas Wouters wrote:
> > 1) It (passively) promotes supporting only simple slicing,
> > as observed by the builtin types only supporting extended
> > slicing many years after extended slicing was introduced
> Should that read "...only supporting simple slicing..."?
Yes :)

> The proposed solution, as implemented in the p3yk-noslice
> > SVN branch, gets rid of the simple slicing methods and
> > PyType entries. The simple C API (using ``Py_ssize_t``
> > for start and stop) remains, but creates a slice object
> > as necessary instead. Various types had to be updated to
> > support slice objects, or improve the simple slicing case
> > of extended slicing.
> Am I reading this correctly, that: since the "simple C API
> remains", one can still write S[3:8] with only one colon
> and have it work as before? Or would it have to be rewritten
> to include two colons?
No. We're just talking about the underlying object API. The methods on
objects that get called. The changes just mean that S[3:8] will behave
exactly like S[3:8:]. Currently, the former calls __getslice__ or
__getitem__ (if __getslice__ does not exist), the latter always calls

Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>

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