[Python-3000] pep 3124 plans

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Jul 19 23:08:04 CEST 2007

At 04:00 PM 7/19/2007 -0400, Jonathan LaCour wrote:
>I for one, as a committer on TurboGears, would absolutely love to see
>a good, solid generic function capability integrated into the standard
>library, and find PEP 3124 to completely cover my needs.  There are
>certainly things in the PEP that I do not have a use for, but nothing in
>the PEP seems to be much of a stretch to me.

FYI, Jonathan, the version of PEAK-Rules that's in SVN implements 
everything that's currently in PEP 3124 except the Interface bits.

It does not, however, implement RuleDispatch-style predicate 
expressions, just argument-isinstance tests.  I'd hoped to have 
predicates done this month, but it's running a couple weeks 
behind.  After it's done, I plan to throw together a 
RuleDispatch-style API over it, to make porting/testing easier, using 
something like "from peak.rules import dispatch" to get a module that 
fakes the RuleDispatch API (e.g. somefunc.when() instead of when(somefunc)).

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