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<TD width="100%"><FONT color=black size=2>Guido wrote:<BR>>Does Java have them?<BR> <BR>I know very little Java, but all the other object-oriented languages I use support in-out and out parameters. For example:<BR>C++:<BR> void foo(int &param) {param += 5;}<BR> void bar(int &param) {param = 10;}<BR> // C++ does not distinguish between in-out and out parameters.<BR> // call them<BR> int x = 2; foo(x); // x is now 7<BR> int y; bar(y); // y doesn't need to be initialized. It is now 10.<BR> // Unfortunately, the C++ function definition doesn't indicate<BR> // whether the argument needs to be initialized before the call.<BR>C#:<BR> void foo(ref int param) {param += 5;} // passed value can be used<BR> void bar(out int param) {param = 10;} // passed value cannot be used<BR> // call them<BR> int x = 2; foo(ref x); // x is now 7<BR> int y; bar(out y); // y is now 10.<BR>Ada:<BR> procedure foo(param : in out Integer) is begin param
:= param + 5; end;<BR> procedure bar(param : out Integer) is begin param := 10; end;<BR> -- call them<BR> Integer x := 2; foo(x); -- x is now 7<BR> Integer y; bar(y); -- y is now 10<BR>Python:<BR> def foo(paramWrapper):<BR> paramWrapper[0] += 5<BR> # Alternative:<BR> def foo2(param):<BR> return param + 5<BR> def bar(paramWrapper):<BR> paramWrapper[0] = 10<BR> # call them<BR> x = 2<BR> wrapper = [x]<BR> foo(wrapper)<BR> x = wrapper[0] # x is now 7<BR> # Three lines of it just to call foo in such a way that<BR> # it can modify the value of the variable passed in.<BR> # Alternative:<BR> x = 2<BR> x = foo2(x)<BR> # Have to mention x twice just to let foo2 modify its value.<BR> # Also, all the arguments to be modified get mixed in with<BR> # the real function result if there is one.<BR> wrapper = [None]<BR> bar(wrapper)<BR> y = wrapper[0] # y is now 10<BR> # bar is not quite as big of a
deal. The new value could<BR> # have been returned as one of (possibly many) results.<BR>Proposed Python 3.0:<BR> def foo(&param):<BR> param += 5<BR> def bar(&param):<BR> param = 10<BR> # call them<BR> x = 2<BR> foo(x) # x is now 7<BR> y = None<BR> bar(y) # y is now 10<BR> <BR>I have always considered this the most glaring omission in Python.<BR>If it will never happen, fine, it will always be a wart, but in-out<BR>and out parameters are common in object-oriented languages and make<BR>the code much more readable.<BR> <BR>Since we are considering optional type indications on parameters, I<BR>thought this would be a good time to explicitly allow a function to<BR>change the argument value by adding something to the parameter.<BR>It could look like foo(&param) or foo(ref param) or foo(inout param)<BR>or foo(param:inout) or whatever. I don't really care.<BR>The code for both the function definition and the call would be
clearer.<BR> <BR>#Rudy<BR><BR></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><br></font></td></tr></table><p><hr><font size=2 face=geneva><b>Join Excite! - <a href=http://www.excite.com target=_blank>http://www.excite.com</a></b><br>The most personalized portal on the Web!</font>