.hmmessage P
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I am using Windows XP professional version 2002 Service pack 3. AMD Athlon(TM)XP 2400+ 2.00GHz 992MB RAM.<BR>
I have downloaded Windows x86 MSI Instaler Python 3.0rc3 (sig) Release: 21-Nov-2008. <BR>
Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables. <BR>System Variables -> Path -> edit C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Python30<BR>
start -> programs -> python 3.0 -> IDLE(Python GUI) <BR>
-> IDLE 3.0rc3 -> File -> New Window -> i wrote "print('çðýþü')" without qutes<BR>-> File -> Save -> Python30 -> i gave file name "Unicode_test" without qutes<BR>-> and Run -> Run Module -> it gives error "invalid character in identifier"<BR>
But if i write in Phyton Shell -> >>> print('çðýþü') and pressed enter <BR>-> gives "çðýþü" it works.<BR>
What is wrong?<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. <a href='http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx ' target='_new'>Check it out!</a></body>