[Module] Python Frame Buffer

David Pettersson dave@whatever.nu
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 22:18:14 -0400 (EDT)

                          Python Frame Buffer                           

Simple graphics drawing extension with minimal event handling.

The frame buffer extension was intended as a simple aid, because I
always found myself hacking together some sort of way to present
iterative improvement in my algorithms (e.g. shortest path, traveling
salesperson problem etc). This module simplifies drawing simple things
like that a lot. All that is needed to draw a line is: import fb f =
fb.FrameBuffer() f.open(100, 100, 'Line Example') f.line(10, 10, 50, 50)
It could also be useful when teaching younger students (or those new to
Python and computer graphics) graphical algorithms. Any feedback is

       URL:  http://dave.whatever.nu/python/fb

   License:  BSD Style
  Requires:  SDL

  Categories:  Graphics

David Pettersson (dave@whatever.nu)

<a href="http://dave.whatever.nu/python/fb">Python Frame Buffer</a> --
Simple graphics drawing extension with minimal event handling.