ANN: ADEPT (A Declarative, Eval()-based Program Tester)
Phil Pfeiffer
6 Jul 2003 20:20:54 -0700
ADEPT--"A Declarative, Eval-based Program Tester"--is an open source
unit testing tool that allows users to define test cases as tuples--
# reworking of unittest example from Python unittest doc,
# minus initializers and finalizers
getTest =\
( "check default size", eqValue((50,50)),
Widget("The Widget").size )
testWidget = Widget("The widget")
setTest =\
( "check resize", eqValue((100,150)), "testWidget.size()",
testWidget.resize, (100,150) )
testSuite =\
(("get actions", (getTest,)), ("set actions", (setTest,)))
--and then execute, label, log, and check the tests' results:
# widgetLogger labels tests, and stores labels and test results
>>> suite =\
[("get actions",(getTest,)), ("set actions",(setTest,))]
>>> widgetLogger = TestLogger()
>>> doTestSuite(suite, widgetLogger)
# assumption here: all tests succeeded, hence, no advisories
>>> widgetLogger.failureCount()
>>> widgetLogger.successCount()
>>> widgetLogger.failures()
# cases could be stored to a list and sorted, if required
>>> widgetLogger.successes()
((2, 1), (1, 1))
>>> map(widgetLogger.getBanner, widgetLogger.successes)
('2.1. set actions: check Widget.resize(100,150)',
'1.1. get actions: check Widget default size')
The getTest and setTest tuples shown here typify what ADEPT calls "get
actions" and "set actions" tests: checks for a callable object's
returned results and effects, respectively.
*. The getTest tuple, when evaluated as a "get actions" test, directs
ADEPT to evaluate eqValue((50,50))(Widget("The widget").size()), and
record success iff this expression evaluates to 1 (true).
*. The setTest tuple, when evaluated as a "set actions" test, directs
ADEPT to execute testWidget.resize(100,150), then record success iff
the expression eqValue((100,150))(testWidget.size()) evaluates to 1.
I wrote ADEPT as a tool for creating succinct, self-documenting test
cases for a large utility that I've been working on since
March--3,000+ test cases, with about 3/4 of the way to go. I'm
releasing ADEPT because I've appreciated having it, and would like to
get people's impressions of ADEPT--along with suggestions for
ADEPT is at
This first release includes the following:
-. a 5 pp. HTML overview of ADEPT's functionality, features, and
limitations (
-., ADEPT's source code:
about 950 lines of Python,
with about 1,000 lines of banners, comments and whitespace
-. adept.txt, the ADEPT user manual:
about 40 pp. of text (60 lines x 80 columns), organized as
-. an introduction, plus sections that describe
-. ADEPT's nine types of tests:
get actions, set actions, get+set actions, null actions,
error actions, get prop actions, set prop actions,
get prop error actions, set prop error actions
--with comments on strategies for using each kind of test,
and a special section on repr string testing.
-. ADEPT test indexing.
-. additional ADEPT features, including nested test suite
execution and the use of AND/OR-tree-like objects to apply
multiple predicates to a single test.
-. ADEPT's design--including notes on how to add test types,
and comments on the tool's limitations.
-., a program that illustrates the operation of the
examples in the ADEPT manual.
-., a 782-test-case-long validation suite for
ADEPT, written in ADEPT.
Phil Pfeiffer/East TN State U. |Kindness in thought leads to wisdom.
Dept. of CIS /P.O. Box 70711 |Kindness in speech leads to eloquence.
Johnson City, TN. 37614-1266 |Kindness in action leads to love (423) 439-5355 | -- Lao-Tsu