[Python-bugs-list] [ python-Bugs-510868 ] Solaris 2.7 make chokes.

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 08:04:38 -0800

Bugs item #510868, was opened at 2002-01-30 11:33
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Category: Installation
Group: Python 2.2
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Sharad Satsangi (sharadinfozen)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Solaris 2.7 make chokes.

Initial Comment:
I'm building python2.2 on a Solaris2.7 box, an Ultra-

I get a segmentation fault error at 'xreadlines' when 
I try the make.

I am not sure why.

Logs of the configuration script & make are attached. 
(in one concatenated file, I could not tell how to 
upload more than one file).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



>Comment By: Sharad Satsangi (sharadinfozen)
Date: 2002-02-01 08:04

Logged In: YES 

Thanks for the gdb tip, I've switched to the solaris7 pkg 
for gdb.  The version info for gcc does not explicitly list 
what flavor of Solaris it's built for, but the version 
number is 3.0.3, and it reads it's specs 
from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-
solaris2.7/3.0.3/specs, which leads me to believe that it's 
built for solaris7.  

Anywho, after some freaking around with env var's & gdb, I 
got the following output (see gdbout).  It leads me to 
believe that the problem is in /usr/lib/libc.so.1, but I'm 
not sure how to replace/update this lib, or even if it is 
indeed the source of my python misery.

Any input or guidance would be appreciated.



Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2002-02-01 02:36

Logged In: YES 

It would be good if you could analyse this with gdb further.
I recommend to obtain a more recent copy of gdb (e.g. gdb
5.0), in particular one compiled for your system (the one
you have is compiled for Solaris 2.4). You can get get
binaries from sunfreeware.com (although they don't have gdb
5 for Solaris 7; you might want to try the 4.18 that they do

The important thing is that you need to run the setup.py
under gdb. To do this, please invoke the setup.py line
manually. I.e. if the makefile invoke

ENV1=val1 ENV2=val2 python-command python-options arguments

you will need to perform the following commands

export ENV1 ENV2
gdb python-command
run python-options arguments

As a side point, what is the exact gcc version that you are
usingq (gcc -v)? If that also is not a gcc for Solaris 7, I
recommend to re-install the compiler, or use the system


Comment By: Sharad Satsangi (sharadinfozen)
Date: 2002-01-31 13:09

Logged In: YES 

I did try gdb on the python binary, but got nothing 
interesting (you can see in the file gdbpyth).  



Comment By: Martin v. Löwis (loewis)
Date: 2002-01-31 09:35

Logged In: YES 

Can you attach to Python with gdb and see why it crashes?


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