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Here's the release schedule for Python versions 3.5.3 and 3.4.6.<br>
<blockquote><font size="+1"><tt>Sun Jan 1st, 2017 - tag 3.5.3rc1</tt><tt>
and 3.4.6rc1<br>
</tt><tt>Mon Jan 2nd, 2017 - release </tt></font><font
size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt>3.5.3rc1</tt><tt> and 3.4.6rc1</tt></font></tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>Sun Jan 15th</tt></font><font size="+1"><tt><font
size="+1"><tt>, 2017</tt></font> - tag </tt></font><font
size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt>3.5.3 final</tt><tt> and 3.4.6</tt></font></tt></font><font
size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt><font
size="+1"><tt> final</tt></font></tt></font></tt></font></tt><tt><br>
</tt><tt>Mon Jan 16th</tt></font><font size="+1"><tt><font
size="+1"><tt>, 2017</tt></font> - release </tt></font><font
size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt>3.5.3 final</tt><tt> and 3.4.6</tt></font></tt></font><font
size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt><font size="+1"><tt><font
size="+1"><tt> final</tt></font></tt></font></tt></font></tt></font></blockquote>
The 3.5 branch is still in maintenance mode. I don't plan to
transition it to security-fixes-only mode until 3.6 has been out for
a while (e.g. once 3.6.1 comes out). So 3.5.3 will be released both
with source code and binary installers for Windows and OS X.<br>
The 3.4 branch is already in security-fixes-only mode, and 3.4.6
will be a source-code-only release.<br>
Looking forward to {next_python_version} in {days_until_release},<br>