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It’s that time again: time to start thinking about the Python
Language Summit! The 2018 summit will be held on Wednesday, May 9,
from 10am to 4pm, at the Huntington Convention Center in Cleveland,
Ohio, USA. Your befezzled and befuddled hosts Barry and Larry will
once more be behind the big desk in front.<br>
The summit’s purpose is to disseminate information and spark
conversation among core Python developers. It’s our yearly
opportunity to get together for an in-person discussion, to review
interesting developments of the previous year and hash out where
we’re going next. And we have lots to talk about! 3.7 is in beta,
and we've all collectively started work on 3.8 too.<br>
As before, we’re using Google Forms to collect signups. Signups are
open now; the deadline to sign up is Wednesday April 18th, 2018
(AoE). Please do us a favor and sign up sooner rather than later.
The signup form is simpler this year--I bet most people can be done
in less than two minutes!<br>
One difference from last year: there are now *two* forms. The first
form is for signing up to attend (the "Request For Invitation"
form), and the second form is for proposing a talk. Please note: if
you want to present, you still need to fill out the Request For
Invitation form too. (Yes, it's more complicated this way, sorry.
But having both on the same form kind of enforced a one-to-one
mapping, and it's really a many-to-many mapping: one person might
propose multiple talks, and one talk might have multiple
presenters. Overall this should be less complicated.)<br>
You can find links to *both* forms on the official Python Language
Summit 2018 page:<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
A few notes:<br>
<li>There will be lightning talks! Signups will only be available
during the Language Summit itself.</li>
<li>You don’t need to be registered for PyCon in order to attend
the summit!</li>
<li>We’ll have badge ribbons for Language Summit participants,
which we’ll hand out at the summit room in the morning.</li>
<li>We're inviting Jake Edge from Linux Weekly News to attend the
summit and provide press coverage again. Jake’s done a
phenomenal job of covering the last few summits, providing
valuable information not just for summit attendees, but also for
the Python community at large. Jake’s coverage goes a long way
toward demystifying the summit, while remaining respectful of
confidential information that’s deemed “off the record” ahead of
time by participants.<br>
One big final note (please read this!):<br>
<blockquote>When using Google Forms, you <i>can</i> edit your
responses later! When you fill out the form and hit Submit, the
submission complete page (the one that says "Thanks for playing!")
will have a link on it labeled "Edit your response". BOOKMARK
THIS LINK! You can use this link at <i>any time</i> to edit your
response, up to the point that signups close on April 18th. Keep
in mind, you'll need to bookmark each response independently: once
for signing up to attend ("Request For Invitation"), and once for
each talk proposal you submit. Again, <i>please</i> be sure to
save this bookmark yourself--we don't know how to find the link
for you later if you don't save it.</blockquote>
We hope to see you at the summit!<br>