<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr">[Antoine]</div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">
I know what python-ideas can be like routinely (I do read it at times).<br>
I think the general idea of my comment is that the signal-to-noise ratio<br>
on python-ideas is so low that, whether or not Guido had remained BDFL,<br>
we would still have a productivity problem to solve there.<br></blockquote><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">I'm much more focused here on the underappreciated roles Guido played in the process than the medium in which the process occurred. Regardless of whether it occurs on a high or low S/N mailing list, a wiki, a Github issue, ... a PEP proceeds from freewheeling brainstorming to python-dev-worthy perfection ;-) incrementally, and along the way "yes, this idea is definitely in - stop arguing about it' and "no, that idea is dead - stop repeating it" pronouncements need to be made.<br><br>When that doesn't happen by universal consensus, it needs to be forced by _some_ mechanism.</div><div class="gmail_quote"><br></div><div class="gmail_quote">If the people involved vote on what they do and don't like, then we have design by committee.<br><br>I'd much rather have a BDFL-workalike. But in that case, they need to be involved and responsive, not just sit back waiting for "a crisis" to rise to their rarefied level. The latter is indeed important for a BDFL-workalike too, but the point here has been that Guido did much more than _just_ put out raging fires, via the multitude of largely unheralded little pronouncements he routinely made to help PEPs-in-progress continue making progress. And to kill PEPs before they were written when he knew he'd never accept the core idea.<br><br></div></div>