[Python-Dev] Mesenne Twister copyright notice

"Martin v. Löwis" martin@v.loewis.de
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 00:13:08 +0100

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Have a look at the /usr/local/lib/python2.2/ dir. The LICENSE.txt
> file has the Python copyright notice.

Ah, I see. It is renamed to LICENSE.txt when installed.

> profile.doc has the license for the profiler.

Right. It appears that ActivePython is breaking InfoSeeks copyright, by 
not including this file in their distribution...

> If that's what the licenses want, there's no way to drive around
> this I guess. 

There are certainly various options:

a) we could refuse to incorporate the code in question, or postpone that 
until an alternative implementation comes along that does not have such 
requirements, or

b) we could try to contact the authors of the code in question, to find 
out whether they would accept other means of acknowledgement (e.g. 
mentioning their names in the ACKS file, and putting some text into the 
copied source - as Raymond already did)

It is certainly the case that we haven't been very careful with such 
things in the past (in particular in binary distributions), but that is 
IMO no excuse to be more careful now.
