[Python-Dev] Sorting
Tim Peters
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 22:07:57 -0400
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In an effort to save time on email (ya, right ...), I wrote up a pretty
detailed overview of the "timsort" algorithm. It's attached.
all-will-be-revealed-ly y'rs - tim
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A stable natural mergesort with excellent performance on many flavors of
lightly disordered arrays, and as fast as samplesort on random arrays.
In a nutshell, the main routine marches over the array once, left to =
alternately identifying the next run, and then merging it into the =
runs. Everything else is complication for speed, and some measure of =
count_run() returns the # of elements in the next run. A run is either
"ascending", which means non-decreasing:
a0 <=3D a1 <=3D a2 <=3D ...
or "descending", which means strictly decreasing:
a0 > a1 > a2 > ...
Note that a run is always at least 2 long, unless we start at the =
last element.
The definition of descending is strict, because the main routine =
a descending run in-place, transforming a descending run into an =
run. Reversal is done via the obvious fast "swap elements starting at =
end, and converge at the middle" method, and that can violate stability =
the slice contains any equal elements. Using a strict definition of
descending ensures that a descending run contains distinct elements.
If an array is random, it's very unlikely we'll see long runs, much of =
rest of the algorithm is geared toward exploiting long runs, and that =
a fair bit of work. That work is a waste of time if the data is random, =
if a natural run contains less than MIN_MERGE_SLICE elements, the main =
artificially boosts it to MIN_MERGE_SLICE elements, via binary insertion
sort applied to the right number of array elements following the short
natural run. In a random array, *all* runs are likely to be =
long as a result, and merge_at() short-circuits the expensive stuff in =
The Merge Pattern
In order to exploit regularities in the data, we're merging on natural
run lengths, and they can become wildly unbalanced. But that's a Good =
for this sort!
Stability constrains permissible merging patterns. For example, if we =
3 consecutive runs of lengths
A:10000 B:20000 C:10000
we dare not merge A with C first, because if A, B and C happen to =
a common element, it would get out of order wrt its occurence(s) in B. =
merging must be done as (A+B)+C or A+(B+C) instead.
So merging is always done on two consecutive runs at a time, and =
although this may require some temp memory (more on that later).
When a run is identified, its base address and length are pushed on a =
in the MergeState struct. merge_collapse() is then called to see =
it should merge it with preceeding run(s). We would like to delay =
as long as possible in order to exploit patterns that may come up later, =
we would like to do merging as soon as possible to exploit that the run =
found is still high in the memory hierarchy. We also can't delay =
"too long" because it consumes memory to remember the runs that are =
unmerged, and the stack has a fixed size.
What turned out to be a good compromise maintains two invariants on the
stack entries, where A, B and C are the lengths of the three righmost =
merged slices:
1. A > B+C
2. B > C
Note that, by induction, #2 implies the lengths of pending runs form a
decreasing sequence. #1 implies that, reading the lengths right to =
the pending-run lengths grow at least as fast as the Fibonacci numbers.
Therefore the stack can never grow larger than about log_base_phi(N) =
where phi =3D (1+sqrt(5))/2 ~=3D 1.618. Thus a small # of stack slots =
for very large arrays.
If A <=3D B+C, the smaller of A and C is merged with B, and the new run =
the A,B or B,C entries; e.g., if the last 3 entries are
A:30 B:20 C:10
then B is merged with C, leaving
A:30 BC:30
on the stack. Or if they were
A:500 B:400: C:1000
then A is merged with B, leaving
AB:900 C:1000
on the stack.
In both examples, the stack configuration still violates invariant #2, =
merge_at() goes on to continue merging runs until both invariants are
satisfied. As an extreme case, suppose we didn't do the MIN_MERGE_SLICE
gimmick, and natural runs were of lengths 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and =
Nothing would get merged until the final 2 was seen, and that would =
7 perfectly balanced (both runs involved have the same size) merges.
The thrust of these rules when they trigger merging is to balance the =
lengths as closely as possible, while keeping a low bound on the number
of runs we have to remember. This is maximally effective for random =
where all runs are likely to be of (artificially forced) length
MIN_MERGE_SLICE, and then we get a sequence of perfectly balanced =
OTOH, the reason this sort is so good for lightly disordered data has to =
with wildly unbalanced run lengths.
Merge Memory
Merging adjacent runs of lengths A and B in-place is very difficult.
Theoretical constructions are known that can do it, but they're too =
and slow for practical use. But if we have temp memory equal to min(A, =
it's easy.
If A is smaller, copy A to a temp array, leave B alone, and then we can
do the obvious merge algorithm left to right, from the temp area and B,
starting the stores into where A used to live. There's always a free =
in the original area comprising a number of elements equal to the number
not yet merged from the temp array (trivially true at the start; proceed
by induction). The only tricky bit is that if a comparison raises an
exception, we have to remember to copy the remaining elements back in =
the temp area, lest the array end up with duplicate entries from B.
If B is smaller, much the same, except that we need to merge right to =
starting the stores at the right end of where B used to live.
In all, then, we need no more than N/2 temp array slots.
A refinement: When we're about to merge adjacent runs A and B, we first
do a form of binary search (more on that later) to see where B[0] should
end up in A. Elements in A preceding that point are already in their =
positions, effectively shrinking the size of A. Likewise we also search
to see where A[-1] should end up in B, and elements of B after that =
can also be ignored. This cuts the amount of temp memory needed by the
same amount. It may not pay, though.
Merge Algorithms
When merging runs of lengths A and B, if A/2 <=3D B <=3D 2*A (i.e., =
within a factor of two of each other), we do the usual straightforward =
a-time merge. This can take up to A+B comparisons. If the data is =
there's very little potential for doing better than that. If there are =
great many equal elements, we can do better than that, but there's no =
to know whether there *are* a great many equal elements short of doing a
great many additional comparisons (we only use "<" in sort), and that's
too expensive when it doesn't pay.
If the sizes of A and B are out of whack, we can do much better. The
Hwang-Lin merging algorithm is very good at merging runs of mismatched
lengths if the data is random, but I believe it would be a mistake to
try that here. As explained before, if we really do have random data, =
almost certainly going to stay in the A/2 <=3D B <=3D 2*A case.
Instead we assume that wildly different run lengths correspond to *some*
sort of clumpiness in the data. Without loss of generality, assume A is
the shorter run. We first look for A[0] in B. We do this via =
comparing A[0] in turn to B[0], B[1], B[3], B[7], ..., B[2**j - 1], ...,
until finding the k such that B[2**(k-1) - 1] < A[0] <=3D B[2**k - 1]. =
takes at most log2(B) comparisons, and, unlike a straight binary search,
favors finding the right spot early in B. Why that's important may =
become clear later.
After finding such a k, the region of uncertainty is reduced to 2**(k-1) =
- 1
consecutive elements, and a straight binary search requires exactly k-1
comparisons to nail it.
Now we can copy all the B's up to that point in one chunk, and then copy =
If the data really is clustered, the new A[0] (what was A[1] at the =
is likely to belong near the start of what remains of the B run. That's
why we gallop first instead of doing a straight binary search: if the =
A[0] really is near the start of the remaining B run, galloping will =
find it
much quicker. OTOH, if we're wrong, galloping + binary search never =
more than 2*log2(B) compares, so can't become a disaster. If the =
comes in distinct clusters, gallop + binary search also adapts nicely to
I first learned about the galloping strategy in a related context; do a
Google search to find this paper available online:
"Adaptive Set Intersections, Unions, and Differences" (2000)
Erik D. Demaine, Alejandro L=F3pez-Ortiz, J. Ian Munro
and its followup(s).