[Python-Dev] Re: What to do about the Wiki?

webmaster@python.org webmaster@python.org
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:21:47 -0400

>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com> writes:

    Guido> I believe that Juergen has fixed the log-growing problem.
    Guido> Should we enable the Wiki again and hope for the best?

I just did, by twiddling the +x bits on moinmoin

    SM> With an XS4ALL person at the ready?  Perhaps someone can keep
    SM> a window open on creosote running something like

    |     while true ; do
    |         ps auxww | egrep python | sort -r -n -k 5,5 | head -1
    | 	sleep 15
    |     done

    SM> I'm running out for the next few hours.  I'll be happy to run
    SM> the while loop when I return.

I'm doing this now, but even hitting the wiki it doesn't show up.  I'm
just going to run top for a while, but it's a fairly old version of
top. :/
