[Python-Dev] LynxOS4 port: need pre-ncurses curses!

Duane Voth duanev@io.com
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 10:47:48 -0500

First, Martin, muchas garcias!  --export-dynamic was exactly the ticket.

Next hurdle: Lynx is clearly hoping curses will go the way of the condor,
their implementation is pre ncurses!  Comments at the top of
Python-2.2.2/Modules/_cursesmodule.c suggest that there was a prior
version of Python curses that should be much closer to what LynxOS4
supports.  Does anyone have an archived copy of the old _cursesmodule.c?

Modules/_cursesmodule.c comments:
 *   Based on prior work by Lance Ellinghaus and Oliver Andrich
 *   Version 1.2 of this module: Copyright 1994 by Lance Ellinghouse,
 *    Cathedral City, California Republic, United States of America.
 *   Version 1.5b1, heavily extended for ncurses by Oliver Andrich:
 *   Copyright 1996,1997 by Oliver Andrich, Koblenz, Germany.

so I guess I'm looking for version 1.2 of _cursesmodule.c.

Duane Voth