[Python-Dev] Care to sprint on the core at PyCon?

Brett Cannon brett@python.org
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 13:36:59 -0800 (PST)

Four members of PythonLabs will be at the pre-PyCon sprint (more info on
sprints at http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/SprintPlan ) running one
for the Python core.  If you would like to attend, email me at
brett@python.org to say so.  You must be registered for PyCon to be able
to attend.  And please do this ASAP so we can get the ball rolling on this
and lock down who will be there.

And regardless whether you care to attend or not, please look at
http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/PyCoreSprint and make suggestions
on what the group should sprint on.
