[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 328 -- relative and multi-line import

David Goodger goodger at python.org
Sat Apr 3 07:52:03 EST 2004

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 > At least "from . import X" and "from .. import X" are completely
 > clear and more levels up are not likely to occur in practice...

I have Aahz's revision ready to check in, but I'm unclear on one
point.  Is the accepted/pronounced relative import syntax dots only,
or can there be a branch too?  In other words, is the "Y" here
acceptable (where Y is a sibling to the current module's package)?

     from ..Y import X

I think the PEP needs a clear statement (and examples) of which syntax
**and semantics** have been chosen.

-- David Goodger

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