[Python-Dev] Compiling python with the free .NET SDK

Garth garth at garthy.com
Tue Feb 17 14:35:52 EST 2004

Hi ,

Attached is a tool to allow you to build python using the free .NET SDK 
and Platform SDK (and gnu tools from msys).  It will generate the 
makefiles from the solution file. It's as easy as.

1. Copy all files into PCBuild
2 Run "sln_read.py makemake pcbuild.sln "Debug|Win32"
   or "sln_read.py makemake pcbuild.sln "Release|Win32"
  and the make files are generated
3. run make -f pcbuild.gnu.mak and python is built

The readme included expands on this. There's still quite a bit todo but 
the tool works and I seem to be quite busy so here it is. It could be 
quite easilt modified to use gcc instead of cl or some other makefile thingy


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