[Python-Dev] ConfigParser shootout, preliminary entry

Carlos Ribeiro carribeiro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 20:48:26 CEST 2004

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 12:26:24 -0500, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
> > Sure, I agree with all of that. But my original (optint, optstr,
> > optbool, optfloat) proposal can easily be extended the same way; in
> > fact it is in some sense easier than an API that expects a type
> > object. (Unless you have an adaptation framework in place; until we
> > have a general one, inventing one just for this purpose definitely
> > feels like overkill.
> OK.  I guess you could subclass opt* to get a new type; I wasn't
> thinking of that.  I shy away from subclassing, but it might be
> appropriate here.  It makes it easier to hang different parameters onto
> the type as well, like not_empty (for strings), max, min, etc.  It would
> even be easier to hang serialization onto it.

It may be a matter of style; I also tend to shy away from subclassing,
because often it leads to a 'parallel' class hierarchy to handle
things that could be represented by different interfaces, adaptations
or aspects of the original classes. In this case:

IntType -> optint
IPAdddressType -> optipaddress
CustomBooleanType -> optcustomboolean

Of course, over-generalization in this case can lead to overly complex
classes that try to do too much stuff for every possible situation.
But simple interfaces -- as the ones required for configuration
support -- don't add that much complexity to the native object anyway.
In fact, conversion to & from strings is a so useful extension that I
tend to provide it for many of my classes, albeit not with a true
standard interface.

(In the examples above, there is another caveat -- some types, as
BooleanType, can't be subclassed, and this makes things more difficult
to generalize under my proposal)

> > Actually, repr() or str() probably *is* the right answer for this,
> > even if calling the constructor with a string argument isn't the
> > answer for parsing and validation.
> In my experience, this stops working as the types become more complex.
> For instance, consider a converter that takes a string that has
> comma-separated names and creates a list of strings; there is a specific
> way to convert back to that representation (','.join(value)), and both
> repr() and str() will be incorrect.
> Potentially you could create a list subclass that has the right repr(),
> but that seems prone to error.  repr() only gives an estimated Python
> representation of an object -- it is neither reliable (since obj ==
> eval(repr(obj)) isn't true for a large number of objects), nor is it
> appropriate, since we're trying to generate configuration expressions
> that are tightly bound to a context, not Python expressions.  In the
> case of generating a config file, if the conversion isn't reliable or is
> ambiguous it should be an error (which doesn't happen with repr() or str()).

This is one of the situations where 'practicality beats purity', IMHO,
because the standard Python prompt returns the repr() of the object.
If all objects _always_ returned full reversible representations to
repr() -- which should be possible, given enough care -- then the
command prompt would be unusable for complex objects (just calling a
method that return a complex object would cause a lot of stuff  to be
printed out). Perhaps the standard prompt could be changed to return
str() instead of repr(), so repr could _really_ be used for the
generic representation case... but it's probably too late to change

Carlos Ribeiro
Consultoria em Projetos
blog: http://rascunhosrotos.blogspot.com
blog: http://pythonnotes.blogspot.com
mail: carribeiro at gmail.com
mail: carribeiro at yahoo.com

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