[Python-Dev] svn problem - can't get log info for a specific revision

skip@pobox.com skip at pobox.com
Mon Dec 5 15:43:59 CET 2005

I'm investigating some problems we're having at work with SIGUSR1 handling.
Our apps tend to see KeyboardInterrupt when sent SIGUSR1 signals.  We're
still running 2.3.4 but are in the process of installing/testing 2.4.2.

A couple "find ... | xargs egrep -i usr1" commands in the 2.3 and 2.4 trees
showed me that between the two a test was added to test_threadsignals.py,
apparently in svn revision 36760:

    % svn blame Lib/test/test_threadsignals.py
     36760        mwh
     36760        mwh def registerSignals((for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm)):
     36760        mwh     usr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, for_usr1)
     36760        mwh     usr2 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, for_usr2)
     36760        mwh     alrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, for_alrm)
     36760        mwh     return usr1, usr2, alrm
     36760        mwh
     36760        mwh
     41566 fred.drake # The signal handler. Just note that the signal occurred and
     36760        mwh # from who.
     36760        mwh def handle_signals(sig,frame):
     36792    tim_one     signal_blackboard[sig]['tripped'] += 1
     36760        mwh     signal_blackboard[sig]['tripped_by'] = thread.get_ident()
     36760        mwh
     36760        mwh # a function that will be spawned as a separate thread.
     36760        mwh def send_signals():
     36760        mwh     os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR1)
     36760        mwh     os.kill(process_pid, signal.SIGUSR2)
     36760        mwh     signalled_all.release()
     36760        mwh

Wanting to investigate that further, I checked the developer's FAQ and found
this command to view the checkin history for that rev:

    svn log --verbose -r 36760

When I run it I get this error:

    svn: REPORT request failed on '/projects/!svn/bc/36760/python/branches/release24-maint'
    svn: '/projects/!svn/bc/36760/python/branches/release24-maint' path not found

What is that error telling me?  I ran the "svn log" command in the same
directory as "svn blame" and "svn up", so it's not a basic problem
connecting to the server.  It appears to be something specific to this
command or revision.



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