[Python-Dev] Recommend accepting PEP 312 -- Simple Implicit Lambda

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at gmx.net
Sun Jun 19 13:47:54 CEST 2005

Donovan Baarda wrote:

> I don't get what the problem is with mixing statement and expression 
> semantics... from a practial point of view, statements just offer a 
> superset of expression functionality.
> If there really is a serious practical reason why they must be limited 
> to expressions, why not just raise an exception or something if the 
> "anonymous function" is too complicated...
> I did some fiddling and it seems lambda's can call methods and stuff 
> that can have side effects, which kinda defeats what I thought was the 
> point of "statements vs expressions"... I guess I just don't 
> understand... maybe I'm just thick :-)

The whole point is that you are able to do all the basic control flow 
operations like IF, FOR and WHILE using simple expressions ( like in 
Pythons lambda ), the lambda statement itself and recursion. Therefore 
lambda expressions constitute a Turing complete language and they also 
do so in Python. Different to many FP languages lambda plays no central
role in Python because statements won't be reduced to lambda expressions 
( or some kind of ). They are merely an add-on.

Reduction provides often the advantage to make expressions/statements 
scriptable what they are not in Python. Python is strong in scripting 
classes/objects ( a big plus of the language ) but you can't simply use 
the language to prove that

                lambda x,y: x+y*y
                lambda x,y: y**2+x

are essentialy the same functions with different implementations [1]. I 
think this is a severe lack of expressibility and has nothing to do with 
the silly objection that one has to write one more line for a simple 
callback - o.k. I admit that I'm lazy too ;)


[1] Not without hacking the parse tree. Doing so one might finally end 
up accessing the expression in a simple modifieable manner:

 >>> (lambda x,y: x+y*y).expr

 >>> (lambda x,y: y**2+x).expr

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