[Python-Dev] Shorthand for lambda

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 17:48:42 CET 2005

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:33:53 -0600 (CST), Ka-Ping Yee
<python-dev at zesty.ca> wrote:
> It dawned on me that you could use this idea to make the whole
> filter/lambda experience vastly more pleasant.  I whipped up a quick
> implementation:
>     >>> from placeholder import _
>     >>> numbers = [5, 9, 56, 34, 1, 24, 37, 89]
>     >>> filter(_ < 30, numbers)
>     [5, 9, 1, 24]
>     >>> map(_ + 10, numbers)
>     [15, 19, 66, 44, 11, 34, 47, 99]
>     >>>
> Look ma, no lambdas!
> I bet someone has already done this before, right?

I thought about it, but couldn't convince myself that it would work
properly in all cases. I was thinking in terms of operator overloading
of everything possible - how did you do it?


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