[Python-Dev] should i put this on the bug tracker ?

Bart Thate bart at r8.cg.nu
Tue Aug 8 15:39:32 CEST 2006

hello python-dev,

the following code hangs on FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE,
Python 2.5b3 (r25b3:51041, Aug 5 2006, 20:46:57)

$ cat pythontest

import os, thread, time, sys

def reboot():
    print 'reboot'
    os.execl(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])

thread.start_new_thread(reboot, ())

while 1:

works fine on python2.4

is this a bug or is it something i "should not do" ?

-------------- next part --------------

import os, thread, time, sys

def reboot():
    print 'reboot'
    os.execl(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])

thread.start_new_thread(reboot, ())

while 1:

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