[Python-Dev] ConfigParser to save with order

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 00:11:43 CET 2006

2006/1/9, Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at acm.org>:

> On Monday 09 January 2006 12:08, Facundo Batista wrote:
>  > What I wanted to add to the module was predicatibility: a very needed
>  > feature when you're writing test cases (and that's where I got bite).
> In that case, would sorting the keys within each section be sufficient when
> writing it back out?

Yes, because giving a set of sections and values inside them, you know
in advance how they'll finish in the file.

> I had a class to do the really-careful editing bit like Guido described once,
> but lost it in a disk crash several years ago.  I really wish I'd gotten that
> into revision control somewhere, but it's too late now.  I've not needed that
> badly enough to re-write it.

Somebody (me, for example) can write it if we all decide that that's
the desired behaviour. We just need to take a side.

Me, I just need the predicatibility that sort() gives.

.    Facundo

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