[Python-Dev] Building on OS X 10.4 fails

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jan 18 20:24:23 CET 2006

On Jan 18, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Anthony Baxter wrote:

> On Wednesday 18 January 2006 16:25, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> Unless rms has changed his position on this, or there has been
>> relevant legislation or a court decision in the meantime,
>> explicitly requiring or checking for "real" libreadline, even as a
>> user option, risks rms's wrath.  (Of course, Python could change
>> its license to GPL, which would undoubtedly flood Cambridge with
>> tears of joy<wink>).
> Python's license is GPL-compatible, so this isn't an issue.
>> As long as the link to fake libreadline succeeds and the resulting
>> program works identically to one linked to real libreadline, he has
>> no complaint.
> My "complaint" is that libedit _calls_ itself libreadline, when it's
> pretty clear that it's not actually a drop-in replacement (or the
> readline module would build). Hence my use of the word "crackful"
> <wink>

That's just something stupid Apple did.  Not libedit's fault.


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