[Python-Dev] New Pythondoc by effbot

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Sun Jan 22 08:27:18 CET 2006

Aahz wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2006, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Why? If wikipedia can do without moderation (for most pages)  then why
>> couldn't the Python docs?
> If we're strictly talking about user comments, I won't disagree, but the
> main docs do need to be "authoritative" IMO.
> Aside to Georg: your messages are all getting /dev/null'd because you use
> "spam" in your From: line.  I get too much spam to change that, and I'll
> bet other people use that heuristic.  Please change your From: line for
> this mailing list.

I don't quite understand that. Why would a spam email have "spam" in the From?

For me, the "-nospam" suffix works relatively good to avoid spam, as most
harvesting programs will think this is a false address.

Of course, that may be more useful in Usenet, not in mailing lists.


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