[Python-Dev] New Pythondoc by effbot

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Sun Jan 22 13:24:59 CET 2006

> (this is the main motivator behind my documentation and site efforts; we

should learn not to press control-enter when we mean enter.

anyway, what I intended to say was that we should work harder on lowering the
threshold for drive-by contributions; it should be possible for anyone to notice a
problem, add a comment or correction, preview the correction properly rendered,
and submit it to a moderation queue, in less than a minute.

(I still think moderation is needed before corrections are made visible, but that
should be no harder, nor require any more tools, than making the correction in
the first place.  I'm sure we could get some turbogears/django hackers to build
us a nice moderation queue webapp in no time at all...)


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