[Python-Dev] Unicode 5.1.0

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Fri Aug 22 16:54:17 CEST 2008

Facundo Batista <facundobatista <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Two thoughts:
> - In view of jumping to a new standard at *this* point, what I'd like
> to have is a comprehensive test suite for unicodedata in a similar
> sense to what happens with Decimal... It would be great to have from
> the Unicode Consortium a series of test cases (in Python, or in
> something we could process), to verify that we support Unicode
> properly.

And another question: would it be hard for Google to maintain this separately
until at least it's integrated to 3.1?

> - We always could have a beta4 if it's necessary...

If we go this route there are lots of attractive things that might justify yet
and yet another beta :-)

Just my two over-evaluated euro cents.



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