[Python-Dev] Core projects for Summer of Code

Daniel Fetchinson fetchinson at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 18 23:23:11 CET 2009

> Hey guys/gals
> Summer of Code is ramping up.  Every year the common complaint is that not
> enough Python core projects get proposed by students, and of course a big
> reason for that is often the only encouragement we offer prospective
> students is a link to the PEP index.
> So let's make this year different.
> Accepted students are paid a total of $4500 to work for roughly 30 hours a
> week, 12 weeks, on their proposed project.
> The challenge is finding project ideas for them that could reasonably occupy
> them for the entire Summer and which the results of their work can be
> demonstrated.  They're being paid for specific projects so "Spend the Summer
> fixing bugs on the tracker" is a no-go, and Google has outlined that Summer
> of Code is about code, not documentation.
> I've seen and heard that a lot of work is still needed on
> http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk both during the 3.1 release cycle,
> optimization possible all over the place.  It'd be great if those of you
> working closely with this can shout out some ideas, brainstorm a bit.
> PSF was announced as one of the mentoring orgs today, this week before
> student applications are open is for students to talk to their prospective
> mentors and iron out the wrinkles in their plans, so there's not much time
> to get core project ideas together.

How about porting PIL to 3.0?
There were many such requests on python-list and image-sig (including mine :))


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