[Python-Dev] Thoughts fresh after EuroPython

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sat Jul 24 16:08:31 CEST 2010

While the EuroPython sprints are still going on, I am back home, and
after a somewhat restful night of sleep, I have some thoughts I'd like
to share before I get distracted. Note, I am jumping wildly between

- Commit privileges: Maybe we've been too careful with only giving
commit privileges to to experienced and trusted new developers. I
spoke to Ezio Melotti and from his experience with getting commit
privileges, it seems to be a case of "the lion is much more afraid of
you than you are afraid of the lion". I.e. having got privileges he
was very concerned about doing something wrong, worried about the
complexity of SVN, and so on. Since we've got lots of people watching
the commit stream, I think that there really shouldn't need to be a
worry at all about a new committer doing something malicious, and
there shouldn't be much worry about honest beginners' mistakes either
-- the main worry remains that new committers don't use their
privileges enough. So, my recommendation (which surely is a
turn-around of my *own* attitude in the past) is to give out more
commit privileges sooner.

- Concurrency and parallelism: Russel Winder and Sarah Mount pushed
the idea of CSP
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communicating_sequential_processes) in
several talks at the conference. They (at least Russell) emphasized
the difference between concurrency (interleaved event streams) and
parallelism (using many processors to speed things up). Their
prediction is that as machines with many processing cores become more
prevalent, the relevant architecture will change from cores sharing a
single coherent memory (the model on which threads are based) to one
where each core has a limited amount of private memory, and
communication is done via message passing between the cores. This
gives them (and me :-) hope that the GIL won't be a problem as long as
we adopt a parallel processing model. Two competing models are the
Actor model, which is based on asynchronous communication, and CSP,
which is synchronous (when a writer writes to a channel, it blocks
until a reader reads that value -- a rendezvous). At least Sarah
suggested that both models are important. She also mentioned that a
merger is under consideration between the two major CSP-for-Python
packages, Py-CSP and Python-CSP. I also believe that the merger will
be based on the stdlib multiprocessing package, but I'm not sure. I do
expect that we may get some suggestions from that corner to make some
minor changes to details of multiprocessing (and perhaps threading),
and I think we should be open to those (I expect these will be good
suggestions for small tweaks, not major overhauls).

- After seeing Raymond's talk about monocle (search for it on PyPI) I
am getting excited again about PEP 380 (yield from, return values from
generators). Having read the PEP on the plane back home I didn't see
anything wrong with it, so it could just be accepted in its current
form. Implementation will still have to wait for Python 3.3 because of
the moratorium. (Although I wouldn't mind making an exception to get
it into 3.2.)

- This made me think of how the PEP process should evolve so as to not
require my personal approval for every PEP. I think the model for
future PEPs should be the one we used for PEP 3148 (futures, which was
just approved by Jesse): the discussion is led and moderated by one
designated "PEP handler" (a different one for each PEP) and the PEP
handler, after reviewing the discussion, decides when the PEP is
approved. A PEP handler should be selected for each PEP as soon as
possible; without a PEP handler, discussing a PEP is not all that
useful. The PEP handler should be someone respected by the community
with an interest in the subject of the PEP but at an arms' length (at
least) from the PEP author. The PEP handler will have to moderate
feedback, separating useful comments from (too much) bikeshedding,
repetitious lines of questioning, and other forms of obstruction. The
PEP handler should also set and try to maintain a schedule for the
discussion. Note that a schedule should not be used to break a tie --
it should be used to stop bikeshedding and repeat discussions, while
giving all interested parties a chance to comment. (I should say that
this is probably similar to the role of an IETF working group director
with respect to RFCs.)

- Specifically, if Raymond is interested, I wouldn't mind seeing him
as the PEP handler for PEP 380. For some of Martin von Löwis's PEPs
(382, 384) I think a PEP handler is sorely lacking -- from the
language summit it appeared as if nobody besides Martin understands
these PEPs.

- A lot of things seem to be happening to make PyPI better. Is this
being summarized somewhere? Based on some questions I received during
my keynote Q&A (http://bit.ly/bdflqa) I think not enough people are
aware of what we are already doing in this area. Frankly, I'm not sure
I do, either: I think I've heard of a GSOC student and of plans to
take over pypi.appspot.com (with the original developer's permission)
to become a full and up-to-date mirror. Mirroring apparently also
requires some client changes. Oh, and there's a proposed solution for
the "register user" problem where apparently the clients had been
broken by a unilateral change to the server to require a certain "yes
I agree" checkbox.

For a hopefully eventually exhaustive overview of what was
accomplished at EuroPython, go to http://wiki.europython.eu/After --
and if you know some blog about EuroPython not yet listed, please add
it there.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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