[Python-Dev] PEP 399: Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibiilty Requirements

Raymond Hettinger raymond.hettinger at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 21:57:13 CEST 2011

> This PEP requires that in these instances that both
> the Python and C code must be semantically identical

Are you talking about the guaranteed semantics
promised by the docs or are you talking about
every possible implementation detail?

ISTM that even with pure python code, we get problems
with people relying on implementation specific details.

* Two functions accept a sequence, but one accesses
  it using __len__ and __getitem__ while the other
  uses __iter__.   (This is like the Spam example
  in the PEP).

* Given pure python library code like:
       if x < y: ...
  I've seen people only implement __lt__
  but not __gt__, making it impossible to
  make even minor adjustments to the code such as:
       if y > x:  ...

* We also suffer from inconsistency in choice of
  exceptions (i.e. overly large sequence indices
  raising either an IndexError, OverflowError, or

With C code, I wonder if certain implementation
differences go with the territory:

* Concurrency issues are a common semantic difference.
  For example, deque.pop() is atomic because the C
  code holds the GIL but a pure python equivalent
  would have to use locks to achieve same effect
  (and even then might introduce liveness or deadlock

* Heapq is one of the rare examples of purely
  algorithmic code.  Much of the code in CPython
  does accesses libraries (i.e. the math module),
  interfaces with the OS, access binary data
  structures, links to third-party tools (sqlite3
  and Tkinter) or does something else that doesn't
  have pure python equivalents (at least without
  using C types).

* The C API for parsing argument tuples and keywords
  do not readily parallel the way the same are
  written in Python.  And with iterators, the argument
  checking in the C versions tends to happen when the
  iterator is instantiated, but code written with
  pure python generators doesn't have its setup and
  checking section run until next() is called the 
  first time.

* We've had a very difficult time bridging the gulf
  between python's infinite precision numbers and
  and C's fixed width numbers (for example, it took
  years to get range() to handle values greater than
  a word size).

* C code tends to be written in a way that takes
  advantage of that language's features instead of
  in a form that is a direct translation of pure
  python.  For example, I think the work being done
  on a C implementation of decimal has vastly different
  internal structures and it would be a huge challenge
  to make it semantically identical to the pure python
  version with respect to its implementation details.
  Likewise, a worthwhile C implementation of OrderedDict
  can only achieve massive space savings by having
  majorly different implementation details.

Instead of expressing the wishful thought that C
versions and pure Python versions are semantically
identical with respect to implementation details,
I would like to see more thought put into specific
limitations on C coding techniques and general
agreement on which implementation specific details
should be guaranteed:

* I would like to see a restriction on the use of
  the concrete C API such that it is *only* used
  when a exact type match has been found or created
  (i.e. if someone writes Py_ListNew(), then it
  is okay to use Py_ListSetItem()).  See 
  http://bugs.python.org/issue10977 for a discussion
  of what can go wrong.  The original json C
  was an example of code that used the concrete
  C API is a way that precluded pure python
  subclasses of list and dict.

* I would like to see better consistency on when to 
  use OverflowError vs ValueError vs IndexError.

* There should also be a discussion of whether the
  possible exceptions should be a guaranteed part
  of the API as it is in Java.  Because there were
  no guarantees (i.e. ord(x) can raise this, that,
  and the other), people tend to run an experiment
  and then rely on whatever C Python happens to do.

* There should be a discussion on when it is okay
  for a C implementation to handle only a value
  range that fits in a word.

* When there is C code, when is it okay for a user
  to assume atomic access?  Even with pure python
  code, we're not always consistent about it 
  (i.e. OrderedDict implementation is not threadsafe
  but the LRU_Cache is).

* There should be some agreement that people 
  implementing rich comparisons will implement
  all six operations so that client code doesn't
  become dependent on (x<y versus y>x).  For
  example, we had to add special-case logic to
  heapq years ago because Twisted implemented
  a task object that defined __le__ instead of
  __lt__, so it was usable only with an older
  version of heapq but not with min, sort, etc.

A good PEP should address these issues head-on.
Just saying that C and python code have to
be semantically identical in all implementation
details doesn't really address the issue.

> (sorry, Raymond, for picking on heapq, but is
> was what bit the PyPy people most recently =).

No worries, it wasn't even my code.  Someone
donated it.  The was a discusion on python-dev
and collective agreement to allow it to have 
semantic differences that would let it run faster.
IIRC, the final call was made by Uncle Timmy.

That being said, I would like to see a broader set
of examples rather rather than extrapolating from
a single piece 7+ year-old code.  It is purely
algorithmic, so it really just represents the
simplest case.  It would be much more interesting
to discuss something what should be done with
future C implementations for threading, decimal,
OrderedDict, or some existing non-trivial C 
accelerators like that for JSON or XML.

Brett, thanks for bringing the issue up.
I've been bugged for a good while about
issues like overbroad use of the concrete C API.


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