[Python-Dev] PyObject_RichCompareBool identity shortcut

Rob Cliffe rob.cliffe at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 28 15:59:07 CEST 2011

I am not a specialist in this area (although I call myself a 
mathematician).  But they say that sometimes the outsider sees most of 
the game, or more likely that sometimes the idiot's point of view is useful.

To me the idea of non-reflexive equality (an object not being equal to 
itself) is abhorrent.  Nothing is more likely to put off new Python 
users if they happen to run into it.  And I bet even very experienced 
programmers will be tripped up by it a good proportion of the time they 
hit it.
Basically it's deferring to a wart, of dubious value, in floating point 
calculations and/or the IEEE754 standard, and allowing it to become a 
monstrous carbuncle disfiguring the whole language.
I think implementations of equal/not-equal which are make equality 
non-reflexive (and thus break "identity implies equality") should be 
considered broken.

On 27/04/2011 15:53, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Maybe we should just call off the odd NaN comparison behavior?
Right on, Guido.  (A pity that a lot of people don't seem to be listening.)

On 27/04/2011 17:05, Isaac Morland wrote:
> Python could also provide IEEE-754 equality as a function (perhaps in 
> "math"), something like:
> def ieee_equal (a, b):
>     return a == b and not isnan (a) and not isnan (b)
Quite.  If atypical behaviour is required in specialised areas, it can 
be coded for.  (Same goes for specialised functions for comparing lists, 
dictionaries etc. in non-standard ways.  Forced explicit is better than 
well-hidden implicit.)
> Of course, the definition of math.isnan cannot then be by checking its 
> argument by comparison with itself
Damn right - a really dirty trick if ever I saw one (not even proof 
against the introduction of new objects which also have the same 
perverse non-reflexive equality).
> - it would have to check the appropriate bits of the float representation.
So it should.

On 28/04/2011 11:11, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> After all, why discard centuries of mathematical experience based on a 
> decision that the IEEE754 committe can't clearly recall the rationale 
> for, and didn't clearly document?
Sorry Nick, I have quoted you out of context - you WEREN'T arguing for 
the same point of view.  But you express it much better than I could.

It occurred to me that the very length of this thread [so far!] 
perfectly illustrates how controversial non-reflexive "equality"  is.  
(BTW I have read, if not understood, every post to this thread and will 
continue to read them all.)
And then I came across:
On 28/04/2011 09:43, Alexander Belopolsky wrote:
> If nothing else, annual reoccurrence of long threads on this topic is 
> a reason enough to reconsider which standard to follow.
Aha, this is is a regular, is it?  'Nuff said!

Best wishes
Rob Cliffe

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