[Python-Dev] hg diff

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Mar 7 20:02:43 CET 2011

On Mar 07, 2011, at 07:44 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>I agree with Thomas' answer here: while a branch makes it easier to
>maintain a patch (but you can also use e.g. Mercurial Queues), it
>doesn't make it easier to *review*.  You are assuming that I, as a
>reviewer, want to know about the history of changesets that led to the
>patch, but I don't: I want to read the patch as a cohesive whole, and I
>couldn't care less about the various typo fixes, style changes,
>performance tweaks that were checked in all along.

I hear this complaint a lot from hg and git users, so maybe it's just the
nature of the tools.  In which case, I'm fine with whatever works better for

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