[Python-Dev] Hg: inter-branch workflow

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Mar 21 23:09:43 CET 2011

> I know I would be sorely tempted to use hg export + hg import (and
> extensive testing after the latter of course) so that the approved
> changes can land with a single thud in the core repo. But maybe I'm a
> dinosaur?

I certainly agree that there are cases where collapsing changes is
desirable - in particular when the author of the changes thinks it is.

However, what some of us requesting is that the "SHOULD collapse"
in the devguide is changed to a "MAY collapse", making it strictly
an option of the committer. If there is one substantial change,
a typo change, and three merges, asking for a collapse of the typo
change is IMO complicating things too much.

OTOH, collapsing weeks of work isn't that much overhead, relatively.
Plus you may want to push the feature branch to hg.python.org/guido,
so that people can still look at it if they want to.


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