[Python-Dev] Second draft: PEP397: Python launcher for Windows
Mark Hammond
mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Mar 22 08:21:44 CET 2011
Hi all,
I've made some changes to the draft PEP and checked it into the PEP
repository as PEP397. The reference implementation is currently being
tracked at http://bugs.python.org/issue11629.
Most of the changes should not be too controversial, but of note:
* I've added lots of discussion about the child-process issue and the
wording now states, basically, that in-process is not feasible, but if
we use the win32 Job API we can arrange for the child to be killed with
the parent on Windows XP and later. The reference implementation
demonstrates this thanks to an example from Curt Hagenlocher.
* 64bit and 32bit considerations have been added, along with basic
information about other distros and implementations.
* The somewhat controversial optional first command-line parameter which
allows you to specify a particular version for interactive use has grown
an almost-certain-to-be-controversial option to specify the bittedness
of the Python you wish to start. I've added this mainly as it would
scratch my personal itch as I tend to have 32bit and 64bit
implementations of most versions available and while this isn't
particularly common, I'm going to attempt to defend it on the principle
of "just don't use it if you don't like it" :) Note the reference
implementation does not yet implement this, nor does it implement the
general policy about 32bit vs 64bit considerations.
Please let me know what you think and what objections/comments/etc remain.
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