[Python-Dev] backporting stdlib 2.7.x from pypy to cpython

Brett Cannon brett at yvrsfo.ca
Tue Jun 12 16:40:53 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:09 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org>wrote:

> Brett Cannon writes:
>  > Not necessarily. Just like discussions on SIGs can start and end
>  > there, I see no requirement that discussions on the list end up on
>  > python-dev.
> You've missed my point, which is that for many people working on
> CPython, python-dev will be the natural place to discuss those issues,
> and the thread will end up on two different lists.

Ah, but you helped make my point! For the people working on CPython,
python-dev is a natural place. But what about PyPy, IronPython, or Jython
(toss in Cython or any future VMs and it just became an even larger spread
of teams)? Do they naturally think to discuss things on python-dev or their
own list? If anything this new list would act as a showing of good will
that python-dev does not view CPython as the centre of the world when it
comes to VMs (but obviously does for the language) and that the other VM
authors' time as just as important by not forcing them to wade through
python-dev (or have to set up a special filter just for python-dev to get
the occasional email thread).

>  > Discussions on the list would universally affect all VMs, so there is an
>  > incentive to pay attention.
> You've missed the point again, which is that the incentive only
> motivates those who care about VMs.  It does not motivate those who
> care about features that affect VMs.

But if you are doing something which will affect the VMs I hope you do care
about VMs period. We can also easily tell someone that they need to discuss
something on the other list if needed (we already do this when something
should be discussed in a SIG first as well).

Anyway, it looks like everyone else chiming in is capitulating to keeping
it on python-dev with a proper subject line, so we will start with there
and if it proves ineffective I will create the list.
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