[Python-Dev] A new webpage promoting Compiler technology for CPython

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Sat Feb 16 07:13:03 CET 2013

On 16/02/13 16:41, Stefan Behnel wrote:

>> PyPy is indeed a work in progress in this area, but that doesn't
>> necessarily preclude it from being included.
> That may be a matter of POV, but as long as PyPy fails to integrate (and
> you just called that "not a main focus"), I find it hard to defend its
> relevance.

Stefan, you're talking about a website which lists projects such as a Forth-
like language in Python, a bytecode transformer, a project "Peregine-Falcon"
which appears to be a one-man experimental implementation of Python in C++,
ByteRun, a "pure-Python implementation of a Python bytecode execution
virtual machine", and SPARK, which has been stuck in version 0.7 pre-alpha
for years. I am astonished that you think PyPy is too immature or niche for
this list.



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