The section could definitely be much clearer. How about:<br><br>Provides-Dist (multiple use)<br><br>Each entry contains a string naming a requirement that is satisfied by<br>installing this distribution. This field *must* include the project<br>
identified in the ``Name`` field, optionally followed by the version:<br>Name (Version).<br><br>A distribution may provide additional names, e.g. to indicate that<br>multiple projects have been merged into a single distribution or to<br>
indicate that this project is a substitute for another. For instance<br>distribute (a fork of setuptools) could ``Provides-Dist`` setuptools to<br>prevent the conflicting package from being downloaded and installed when<br>
distribute is already installed. A distribution that has been merged<br>with another might ``Provides-Dist`` the obsolete name(s) to satisfy<br>any projects that require the obsolete distribution's name.